Regular grocery shopping is unfortunately part of it. It is not my 'cup of tea'.
Vegetables, herbs and fish are very limited here.
So when there is 'fresh' fish, my heart jumps for joy.
As an Indo and for JENs KookFun, everything revolves around FOOD.
In the oven, on the BBQ or on the stove, the preparations take place in and around the house.
This also applies to 'smoking' fresh fish, even when it is cold outside in winter.
The feeling as if you are warmly dressed in Iceland, with the fish gently smoking.
Of course you have to stay with it because an accident is always just around the corner.
Attention applies in any case to cooking, to the BBQ and to smoking fish. Just like in a relationship but then in a different emotional way.
During the smoking process it is nice to be together while enjoying a glass of wine.
In this winter cold we are warm. The wait and patience is worth it.
Hans is relaxing while smoking fish and in the meantime I am cooking with music.
Soon delicious smoked mackerel on fresh bread. My mouth is already watering!
The dish Ikan Bumbu Balado with the fragrant herbs can soak in well, for tomorrow.
That will be double the enjoyment, I can't wait. Soon on YouTube with @KokenmetJens.